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Ctenarsky-denik.cz > Životopisy spisovatelů > Ernest Hemingway: Stařec a moře - anglicky

Ernest Hemingway: Stařec a moře - anglicky

Kategorie: Životopisy spisovatelů

Typ práce: Životopisy spisovatelů

Další díla spisovatele: Ernest Hemingway

Životopisy spisovatele: Ernest Hemingway

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: První část popisuje život Ernesta Hemingwaye. Druhá se věnuje nejen obsahu a stylu díla Stařec a moře, ale také obsaženým symbolům a názoru autora.


Stařec a moře - analýza


An old Cuban fisherman Santiago goes to the sea after 84 days without a catch. He goes with-out the Boy, which was helping him for first forty days. Two days and two nights a gigantic marlin, which has caught itself on the Boy-made bait, trails his boat to the sea. Almost after he kill the fish with a harpoon and at the point of his power he fixes it to the boat, the sharps begin to attacking on the dead merlin. Although an Old man is struggling with them, they eat a fish. He returns to the vil-lage half-dead of tiredness.

It’s very easy story about the eternal fight between the Man (Santiago), the Nature (merlin) and the Evil (sharks). There is a lot of references to symbology of the Christianity. It includes the tragic feeling and it’s about the sense of human life( the killing, but the suffering too, is a component of it). The old man wants to manage himself, that the honourable fight is more important, than the chase for money. This man can be destroyed, but not defeated, because hope is his duty.
The first impression of The Old Man And The Sea was in the magazine called Life, and it’s sometimes denoted like a first part of ,,The Big Book’’, which he would write in Venezia, where he lived after the second world war. The film The Old Man And The Sea was shooting in 1957( di-rected by J.Sturges,USA)."



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