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Ctenarsky-denik.cz > Obsahy a rozbory děl > Randall Wallace: Statečné srdce - anglicky

Randall Wallace: Statečné srdce - anglicky

Kategorie: Americká literatura od 20. století

Typ práce: Obsahy a rozbory děl

Další díla spisovatele: Wallace Randall

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Tato práce je psána jako čtenářský deník v angličtině. Popisuje krátce autorův život a dílo Braveheart (Statečné srdce). Uvádí zde o jaký žánr se jedná, hlavní myšlenku a porovnává knihu s filmem stejného názvu. V závěru práce je autorův vlastní názor.


Randal Wallace
My opinion


"Wallace is an American screenwriter, producer and director. He has produced some of the most popular and best films of the last decade: Pearl Harbor, Love Honor, Braveheart,...
Randall’s family went to America from Ireland and Scotland many years ago. They were farmers, like the family of William Wallace, and bought farms in Tennessee in the American South. Randall was born there but he now lives in southern California with his wife and two sons. Braveheart is his fifth novel.
Braveheart :
- novel
- it’s set in Scotland in the late 13th century
- action : It’s based on the true story of William Wallace – a young boy who saw terrible things and grew into a fighter. Wallace became a leader of scottish army and he led them to a victory against the English. There were many battles but as the story unfolds we can see also the love because his relationship with French princess Isabella progressed.Unfortunetaly in the end, William died but his blood will be carry on by his son because Isabella became pregnant with him.
- theme : It’s the true story of William Wallace, a national hero, who gave hope to his country and its people
- movie : genres – drama, romance, historical
release date – May 26, 1995
Mel Gibson as William Wallace (he also produced and directed teh movie)
The film won numerous awards – e.g.Academy Award (for best picture,
Director, make-up,cinematography,...)"





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